5 Helpful Tips: Improving & Sticking to Your Workouts

Working out is hard, it takes a lot of well.. work, and definitely isn’t something everybody does (but should, in my opinion). If you’re just starting to workout and create healthy habits, GOOD FOR YOU, these are great tips for making those habits into a lifestyle change. Or if you’re a workout aficionado, consider these friendly…

Current Craving: Ultimate Egg Sandwich

If you love egg sandwiches (let’s be honest, who doesn’t?) you have to get your hands on the Ultimate Egg Sandwich from Flour Bakery + Cafe ASAP. I’ve lived in Boston for about a year now, and sadly enough I am just discovering this mouth watering sandwich. Most egg sandwiches are pretty basic, usually consisting…

Spring in the City

The snow is melting, the air is warmer, and people are becoming friendlier again.. this can only mean one thing, SPRING IS HERE! Finally. Even though this winter wasn’t as bad as last year (flashback to the blizzard of 2015) it has still felt like an extremely long cold front, with the weather being 50…

Sunday Thoughts..

Sunday is always the day I take to myself to reflect on the weekend. Between making the decision to run a 5k last minute (and try to PR) and going out to an alumni event FILLED with people my age, I learned a VERY important lesson.. TAKE RISKS. Do not be afraid to fail, whatever…

Bombshells: SI Swimsuit Edition

 Spring has sprung! Which means a few things.. warmer weather, warmer weather, and the new Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition magazine. Every year Sports Illustrated puts out an edition of their magazine that is completely filled with models in bikinis. Men and women both swoon over these pictures because, well.. These women are GORGEOUS. The magazine…

Running through Southie

Being a runner from Maine, I’m used to wide open spaces and lots of hills. When I moved to Boston and started running here, neither of those things were present, until I moved to Southie. South Boston is the perfect place for running, for a few reasons; it’s less crowded than running in the city,…

Travels of the Benny backpack

If you’ve read my last post, you know how much I love the Benny backpack.. and well, everyone else does too. The Benny backpack is made and originates in Lewiston, ME but travels all around the world! Check out where the Benny backpack has been! Marco Island, Florida Nantucket, Massachusetts  Donegal, Ireland St. Lucia, Caribbean…

Everyday Essential: The Benny Bag

The Benny bag, named after the tiniest WHPH mascot, is an everyday necessity. If you’re anything like me, you bring just about your whole life to work with you; gym clothes, running shoes, food for the day, water, MacBook air, journal, wallet.. the list goes on and on. I currently live in Boston, I walk…

Planning for Post-Holiday Health

For someone who LOVES to workout and feel healthy but also LOVES to indulge during the holiday season, planning for post-holiday eating and drinking is crucial. During the week I am the person to [usually] turn down sweets and alcohol, and then indulge in champagne and chocolate chip pancakes during brunch on the weekend. There…

Current Craving: Butternut Bisque

Tis’ the season, for all things delicious and warm. Even though the first official day of winter hasn’t arrived yet (December 21st), the cold temperatures have me thinking otherwise! Thanks to my sister’s genius fiancé, my current obsession is butternut bisque. It’s thick, warm, butternut flavor topped with pumpkin seeds (or sour cream if you’re…

High-Intensity Interval Training aka HIIT Workouts

The time has come, where running outside involves more than just shorts and a t-shirt; the temperature has dropped, it’s windy, raining, and soon to be snowing. As much as I love running outside on smooth pavement, there are definitely days where I’m not willing to brave the outdoors. BUT, if you’re a runner like myself,…

Current Craving: Pumpkin Spiced Chocolate Chip Cookies

It’s FINALLY fall: big sweaters, boots, scarves, hot drinks, and yummy treats are what this season is all about. What better way is there to enjoy a brisk fall day than with a hot coffee and pumpkin spiced chocolate chip cookies? And the best part of all.. they’re healthy! I found this recipe (along with…